TapResearch Blog

Do-It-Yourself Research

Written by Jency Cox | Jul 26, 2017 6:48:31 PM

If you haven’t noticed, the internet has gone crazy for DIY.

Pinterest is full of life-hacks, like how to cook smores on a rake (yum?). With Youtube, you can become an expert on anything from roller-skating to building a house. Now we have the choice to tackle projects ourselves instead of using middlemen or opting for one-size-fits-all solutions.

Here at TapResearch, we welcome this can-do attitude. That’s why we are putting the power in your hands with our new Self-Service Tool and Survey Builder. Going DIY allows you to set-up, target, and manage your own research projects–on your schedule.

Manage Your Own Way

The most satisfying part of a do-it-yourself project is that you can make it your own. The same goes for research– you can often get the best results by managing a project yourself.

Our Self-Service tool allows you to pre-screen and target your respondents to reach the exact sample you need. You can use custom screeners for uncommon targets, and view stats so you can make informed decisions as your project moves forward.

You can also choose how you want to program your survey, by using our built-in Survey Builder or an outside programming tool:

  • Simple & Effective Survey Builder

TapResearch has developed an free and easy to use survey builder. Simply fill in your questions and start collecting responses immediately. 

  • Industry Standard Compatibility

If you use an outside programing tool such as Qualtrics, SurveyMonkey, or Survey Gizmo– no worries! Our DIY tool is compatible, and easy to set up. 

Knowledge and Confidence

Making the right decision for how to conduct your research can be challenging. Can you trust your sample provider to run the project to fit your exact needs? How can you avoid hidden costs that are always hurting your bottom line?

Going DIY allows you to know the timeline, feasibility, and costs of a project before you even begin. With this information, you can organize and plan your research with confidence. You can also run several projects at the same time without having to guess what your final costs will be.

Power and Flexibility

Whether you are fixing a light fixture or running a market research campaign, it’s important to use the right tool for the job.

Our DIY tool is powerful enough to meet the needs of experienced researchers, yet simple enough for beginners to use with ease. No matter your expertise, you can set up projects to your specifications.

You get full access to Tap Research’s innovative mobile panel, with a broad reach that makes it a great choice for research in different languages, regions, and countries.

Plus, you get the added benefit of flexibility. You can change targeting, screening, and survey details whenever you need– without any back and forth with a project manager.

Take Charge

Is DIY Sample the right choice for you and your project? We think it’s a great option for anyone who:

  • Likes to take control of their own projects.
  • Wants to cut out the middleman and streamline workflow.
  • Needs real-time updates, stats, and editing capability.
  • Or, just wants to keep costs down (responses start as low as $1 per complete).

Anyone can try by creating a free account and setting up their first project!

Need help? We’re here! Email us at projectmanagement@tapresearch.com