TapResearch Blog

Socialpoint finds stability during a global pandemic with Rewarded Surveys

Written by michael | Jul 6, 2020 3:19:49 PM

Socialpoint is a world-renowned mobile games developer and publisher based in Barcelona, Spain and best known for hit games Dragon City and Monster Legends.

As a mature and growing studio within the rapidly growing Take-Two portfolio, Socialpoint needed a scalable way to diversify their global revenue strategy beyond just advertising. This decision was accelerated in mid-2019 after Apple began swiftly rejecting applications from the iOS app store for not complying with their policy against pay-per-engagement (PPE) advertisements commonly used in Offerwalls.

Socialpoint needed to diversify their strategy.

Sofia Gilyazova, Head of Ad Monetization at Socialpoint, began looking for alternatives to ads and turned to Rewarded Surveys powered by TapResearch to expand her global revenue strategy across the portfolio.

Surveys were a great extension of their current rewarded strategy which includes Video and Offers. With Rewarded Surveys, Socialpoint users now have a new format to earn the large reward amounts they were trying to reach by watching 15+ rewarded videos per session.

The new format also gives Sofia’s team access to large global market research budgets estimated at over $47B in annual spending, in a familiar mobile format to their users.

Source: ESOMAR Global Market Research report

The experience fit seamlessly within their two top titles:

Dragon City

Monster Legends

Since the introduction of Rewarded Surveys to their games in mid-2019, Average Revenue per Daily Engaged User (ARPDEU) has increased 2.75X through Q4 and has not generated any signs of slowing down through the Covid-19 pandemic.

Socialpoints increase in ARPDEU since introducing the new format.

“TapResearch opened an entirely new source of revenue for Socialpoint that fit perfectly within our rewarded monetization strategy. Our users quickly adopted the new format and there were no negative impacts to our user support and communities. We’re excited to grow this partnership!”

— Sofia Gilyazova, Head of Ad Monetization at Socialpoint

Best Practices
To ensure success of the diversification strategy, Socialpoint deployed a number of specific tactics intended to educate users and increase LTV.

  • Introduced a clear CTA to differentiate rewarded formats
  • Posted game forum announcements to educate users of the new way to earn hard currency
  • Run regular currency sales to attract new users & re-engage existing ones
  • Add multiple-currencies to appeal to more types of users
  • Run regular cannibalization checks of iAP/ other ad formats

To learn more about TapResearch and about how Rewarded Surveys can generate a new revenue source for your game, please visit www.tapresearch.com/monetization or feel free to contact me directly at developers@tapresearch.com